Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Club Penguin Reviewed by You!

Hey Penguins!

Last week, the Club Penguin Team asked you what you thought the ultimate Field-Op would be. Here’s what Chilli 2 said:

It’s a situation where Klutzy figured out a way to change all the blue signs with white arrows throughout the paths of Club Penguin. The arrows would be pointing to different directions, and many penguins would be lost in the wilderness. It would be an EPF Agent’s job to rescue the penguins, fix all the signs back to normal, and importantly save Rookie, who gets lost in a place full of marshmallows!


This week, the Club Penguin Team wants to know if you have a favorite instrument to play. If you do, tell them about it! Click here to make a comment. Don’t forget to use your penguin name so they can add coins!

-Drake1313 Owner Of  BehindThePenguins